As a guild, our purpose is to promote the art and craft of quilting through encouragement and education, as well as building fellowship within our community.
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of every month, September through June
Location: Lake Oconee Lutheran Church
1089 Lake Oconee Pkwy
Eatonton, GA 30124
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12 Noon
Dues: $25 per year
We are organized with the following officers and chairpersons:
Officers, voting members of the board
- President
- Vice-president
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Chairperson Standing Committees, voting members of the board
- Programs
- Membership
- Special Projects
- Social
- Ways and Means
- Publicity
Special Committees
- Nominating
- Website
- Bylaws
Their duties are outlined in our bylaws. Notebooks are to be maintained by the committees
with duties and activities recorded year to year.
Task Forces can be appointed by the President as needed to complete tasks not individually
Meeting Programs
There will be a brief business meeting followed by a 30-60 program at each meeting. A
program can consist of a lecture, demo, guest speak or a group activity. Speakers may offer
a workshop after the regular meeting. Programs may either be free of charge or a nominal
Cell Phones
As a courtesy to our speakers and fellow members, we require that all cell phones be turned
off or put on silent ring. Participants should leave the room to have phone conversations.
Guild Library
There is an extensive library of quilting books, all kept in one of the church classrooms. The
listing of books is available on the web site by topic and author. Books may be checked out
for free during the monthly meeting. Books are to be returned the following month. The
borrower will replace books lost.
An updated electronic newsletter is available on the website each month to keep members
informed of the guild’s business and activities. The newsletter can be accessed at: All members are encouraged to read the newsletter prior to attending the
monthly meeting.
Name Badges
Name badges help us all remember each other’s name. The older we get the more
important this is. A $0.50 fine is charged for not wearing your badge at meetings.
Monthly Raffle Table
At each meeting, be sure to check out the Raffle Table. Items are displayed and you can
purchase raffle tickets. During the monthly meeting, a drawing is held to determine the
winner. This money supports the LOQG programs and helps us to have fantastic speakers.
Show and Tell Policy
Show and Tell during the meeting is a time of sharing your latest projects. Projects are
limited to two items per meeting and should be in the completed state. Participants are
asked to sign-in the day of meeting and be prepared to present their projects in a timely
manner. Pictures are made of the participant and their quilt/project. The pictures are posted
on the web site and may be used in other media. If you do not wish to have your picture on
social media, please decline having your picture taken.
Web Site
The web site is Guild policies and procedures, library book titles, program
information, show and tell pictures are among the items available on the web site. There is
a member’s only, password protected section that contains the bylaws, board minutes,
member directory, member pictures and publications.
Guild Challenge
Guidelines for the annual guild challenge are given at a meeting. Participations is optional.
Participating members have until the deadline given to work on their challenge project. A
display of the entries will take place and members will vote for the winners at a designated
guild meeting.
Raffle Quilt
The guild members create a quilt that will be raffled off to raise funds for the guild’s
operating expenses. All members are encouraged to sell the tickets. This keeps our
membership fees lows and benefits all members.
The social committee plans refreshments for each meeting. A luncheon is held in December
and June.
An annual retreat is held each year. This is a three-night get away at a selected place. Lots
of quilting, games, food and fun. Sign up is announced at one of the meetings.